Wingrave with Rowsham Consultation on spending money January 2022

March 7, 2022

Wingrave with Rowsham Consultation on spending money allocated to leisure and sport from developers January 2022

The Way forward

Following the questionnaire circulated in November 2021 and the consultation in the WWR Community Centre over the weekend of 22/23 January, we propose the following as a way forward for spending the ‘S106’ money – money allocated to the Parish for sport and leisure to offset some of the inconvenience of new building developments in the village of Wingrave. Rowsham is not included as it has had no recent new developments.

Thanks to everyone for some brilliant ideas. It’s never possible to please everyone, but we hope we have taken account of all your views in this exercise.

Recreation Ground

We propose to allocate between £250 and £300k to improvements on the Recreation Ground.

To include:

  1. The Recreation Ground Pavilion and Bowls Clubhouse are to be run as a single project, in line with the Terms of Reference in place. This will enable the ‘project’ to match fund up to the agreed amount within the Terms of Reference – currently set at £250,000. The Parish Councillors could consider raising that cap to £300,000 noting that no funding can be spent unless agreed at a Parish Council meeting under the ToR.
  2. Improvement of access from Church Street to the new Pavilion for disabled people, buggies etc.
  3. Outdoor table tennis – probably near the Community Centre access point.
  4. Increase wild areas – we will ask the contractors to leave a wider margin on the edge of the Rec between the Mill Lane / Dark Lane entrance and the entrance next to the pub to allow wild flowers and grasses to grow.

Note: Historic gates will remain and there will be no parking on the Rec.

Other Projects we intend to fund, provided monies stretch that far:

  1. Play equipment for small children at a suitable location, possibly 12 Leys Green, subject to consultation with residents and health and safety assessment.
  2. Adult Exercise equipment at a suitable location, possibly on The Park, near the footpath entrance from Chiltern Road.
  3. Exercise route if a space can be found
  4. Sensory Garden if a suitable location can be found. The Green?
  5. Improvements to the Skate Park at The Park.
  6. EV charging points at locations to be agreed, but may need to be separately funded from sources other than the s106 funds, depending on the locations agreed in line with the terms of the s106 agreements
  7. To keep a contingency fund to support future projects such as the revival of cricket

Additional notes on the Recreation Ground Pavilion

There were strongly held views on the orientation, with neither side prevailing significantly. This will be decided in consultation with Bucks Planning Dept.

Meeting room – to be dropped in favour of a club room

We will continue to discuss with architects more space for heritage, a cleaning room, direct access to certain parts of the building.

A Frost design provided by a parishioner as food for thought. Some interesting ideas and improvements on some space usage. These have been incorporated into the general feedback to be issued to the Architects to finalise their design. See attached notes. Note also, R Cullens’ feedback on the appearance of the alternative design offered by Mr Frost, in that Blackwood’s design was preferential over the A Frost design, in terms of meeting the requirements of the conservation area and Rec ground outlooks.

Download the full document here – 22 03 31 Summary Consultation V2

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