
March 27, 2015

Useful documents to download

Wingrave & Rowsham Neighbourhood Plan

Documents provided are all in PDF format.  You can right click and save to create your own copy of these documents. Please note some of these files are large and may take a while to download.

Referendum Results
Referendum Result PDF

Main Documents

Wingrave with Rowsham Neighbourhood Plan - Overview  (01-04-2015)

Wingrave NP_Pre Submission Plan_v6_1 (16-04-2015) (updated Parish Clerk information and correction Policy Map 8)

Wingrave Neighbourhood Plan Draft SEA_v1_2 (28-03-2015)

Wingrave Neighbourhood plan Q and A March15 v2 (27-03-2015)

Wingrave With Rowsham Neigbourhood Plan Report (25-03-2015)

Wingrave Fact Pack (02-05-2013)

Site Selection Spreadsheet RAG A3 v3 (2) (16-04-2015)

Parish Council Neighbourhood May 6th v4 - Presented at Wingrave School (06-05-2015)

Independent Report on Site Selection (23-06-2015)

May 6th Meeting Notes (30-07-2015)